If you decided the time is ripe for you to create, design and maintain a Garden or to start a Project that will create, design, maintain and manage an Organic Gardening Project, you have come to the right place.
(Organic) because there is no "Victory Garden", or actually no "garden" of any sort that makes sense that is not organic.
If it's not organic, it's "small scale conventional agriculture", or perhaps a "conventional garden". At any rate, it can't be a "Victory Garden". And anyway, why would anyone bother growing it?
If you don't mind eating "food" that's not even suitable as animal feed, laden with pesticides, herbicides and GMOs, you certainly can get that stuff from any supermarket. There is definitely no need to grow it!
What we will describe here will often refer to the climate and situation of Southern California, but with climatic adaptation, is universally valuable anywhere in the USA and in the world.
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