Presentation - COVER LETTER 1
This is version [V101-94$]
This is version [V101-94$]
Here are the documents we promised you about how to start an Organic Gardening Project of your own.
The most advanced approach we know of are the "PLEASE" Organic "Victory Gardening" methods, something so cutting-edge that it seems to now even have reached into the White House. Best proof of it, make a search on Google. Here is what you get: Results 1 - 100 of about 138,000 for ' Michelle Obama organic victory garden '. (0.20 seconds)
The PLEASE methods are actually about pleasing yourself, as you address the fundamental needs of your body for functional, wholesome foods. "PLEASE” is an acronym for "PATTERNED LAYERED EDIBLE AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS & ECOLOGIES". This actually means a lot of specific things, which we will go over in the coming weeks as we develop these informational pages...
But for right now, just think of it as “Square Foot “, “Lasagna”,“Companion-Planting”Gardening and “Edible Landscaping” on Steroids, and you will already have a quite good idea of what this is about: Emulating Nature's own ways by recreating “natural” Edible Ecologies. Sort of mini-Paradises where all is edible, one way or another, and all is nourishing true FOOD, and not the pitiful ersatz materials that supermarkets and fast-food joints try to persuade us to be worthy of the name.
Truth is, that “food” is not even fit to serve as animal feed at a hog farm, considering that most of us will end eating these pigs. At most, we could use it to feed pet hamsters or rats. That is, as long as we are not too particular about their long term health. It's certainly not fit to feed our children and ourselves!
Think of it next time you go buy “food”!
Your friends at the Health Thru Gardening team & Projects Support Team at
Victory Gardening 2.0
Here are the documents we promised you about how to start an Organic Gardening Project of your own.
The most advanced approach we know of are the "PLEASE" Organic "Victory Gardening" methods, something so cutting-edge that it seems to now even have reached into the White House. Best proof of it, make a search on Google. Here is what you get: Results 1 - 100 of about 138,000 for ' Michelle Obama organic victory garden '. (0.20 seconds)
The PLEASE methods are actually about pleasing yourself, as you address the fundamental needs of your body for functional, wholesome foods. "PLEASE” is an acronym for "PATTERNED LAYERED EDIBLE AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS & ECOLOGIES". This actually means a lot of specific things, which we will go over in the coming weeks as we develop these informational pages...
But for right now, just think of it as “Square Foot “, “Lasagna”,“Companion-Planting”Gardening and “Edible Landscaping” on Steroids, and you will already have a quite good idea of what this is about: Emulating Nature's own ways by recreating “natural” Edible Ecologies. Sort of mini-Paradises where all is edible, one way or another, and all is nourishing true FOOD, and not the pitiful ersatz materials that supermarkets and fast-food joints try to persuade us to be worthy of the name.
Truth is, that “food” is not even fit to serve as animal feed at a hog farm, considering that most of us will end eating these pigs. At most, we could use it to feed pet hamsters or rats. That is, as long as we are not too particular about their long term health. It's certainly not fit to feed our children and ourselves!
Think of it next time you go buy “food”!
Your friends at the Health Thru Gardening team & Projects Support Team at
Victory Gardening 2.0
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