Presentation - COVER LETTER 2
This is version [V104-94$]
If you have a piece of land or a rooftop on which you might consider starting an Organic & Sustainable Gardening Project, we certainly would be happy to look at what you have so to evaluate the potential of your location, so to see if it is possible to start a Project managed by us at your place, or to give you some guidance for a self-managed one.
Everything we do is completely free of charge, including evaluating a location. However we have no budget to actively support you or anyone else, and this includes to pay for gas to evaluate the potential of a location (if we would do that, we'd have to have a $500 or $1,000 a month budget just to cover for gas expenses!). Therefore, anyone with a location to evaluate must either pick-up one of our evaluation specialist from where they live and bring them back there, or cover gas expenses at the minimum rate of $0.14 per mile.
Asides covering this or any other actual cost incurred for the purpose of serving you, we do not charge anything to assist you in your Organic Gardening projects – we do not handle any conventional agricultural or gardening projects at all anyway. This, on the principle that if anyone is foolish enough to feed on pesticides, herbicides and GMOs, (to say nothing about nice additions such as irradiation, artificial hormones, antibiotics and “diet” sugar substitutes), they can certainly get the stuff from their local supermarket or fast food joint, and certainly do not need any help from us with slowly poisoning themselves.
Fact is, as the quality of commercial food constantly degrades, with all the implications this has for our health and the health of the people we care for, this, as we face a return of the Great Depression, or even a “Greater Depression”, creating and maintaining our own organic food-producing Gardens becomes an evident solution to many of the issues we face!
Addressing the issue of a reliable supply of functional and non-poisonous food is slowly but surely truly becoming an urgency and possibly already an emergency, as more and more people realize that things are getting worse by the day with the ubiquitousness of the latest ploy to keep us chronically ill with GMOs, artificial hormones, antibiotics and irradiation in about every possible “conventional “food”, in addition to our previous constant dosing with herbicides and pesticides. In fact, it looks more and more like, for some corporate poisoners, the pests are US!
Here is a collection of information to help you decide what approach to Organic and Sustainable Gardening and Victory Gardening is best for you:
We hope these documents help you make the right choices!
The Projects Support Team at
Victory Gardening 2.0
PS: Don't try to re-invent the wheel! As someone told us about 2000 years ago:
“Knock, and it will be opened to you. Seek, and you will find. Ask, and it will be given you.”
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